Hybrid Heating Advantages
  • Posted on October 6, 2023
  • By Rod Miller

A hybrid heating system, or a dual-fuel system, offers the perfect solution for homeowners looking to optimize comfort, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and achieve significant savings on heating costs over time, especially with energy costs on the rise.

This system uses an air-source heat pump with an auxiliary combustion furnace, forming a powerful duo that adjusts to fluctuating temperatures and keeps your home warm even in the coldest weather.

At Rod Miller, our heating system professionals are here to explain further.

What is a Hybrid Heating System?

A hybrid heating system, also known as a dual fuel system, combines a heat pump with a gas or propane furnace to provide homeowners with the best of both worlds – energy efficiency and comfort. This type of system is growing in popularity as more homeowners look to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels while maintaining the warm air temperatures provided by a traditional furnace.

At its core, a hybrid heating system utilizes a heat pump as its primary heat source. The heat pump extracts heat from the outside air, even when temperatures are very low, and transfers it indoors. This allows it to provide heating at a much higher efficiency than furnaces which rely solely on burning fuel for heat. 

However, heat pump performance declines as outdoor temperatures drop below freezing. At this point, a backup furnace kicks in to provide auxiliary heating.

By combining these technologies, hybrid systems maximize efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Learn more about how to lower your heating bill.

How Do Dual Fuel or Hybrid Heating Systems Work?

With hybrid heating systems, a heat pump handles most day-to-day heating needs down to around 30-40°F outdoor temperatures. At colder temperatures, the system automatically switches over to the gas or propane furnace. This allows homeowners to use the most efficient heat source for any given outdoor temperature.

Here is how a dual fuel hybrid heating system works:

  1. An outdoor heat pump unit extracts heat from outdoor air and circulates refrigerant to absorb the heat. This refrigerant is compressed to further raise its temperature.
  1. The hot refrigerant is circulated indoors to a heat exchanger inside the home’s furnace unit. Here, a blower fan blows air across the heat exchanger to warm air which is circulated through ductwork.
  1. The hybrid system has an indoor thermostat with an outdoor sensor. When the outdoor temperature is above 30-40°F, it runs the heat pump for maximum efficiency.
  1. Below 30-40°F, the thermostat automatically switches to the home’s furnace for heating. This avoids running the heat pump inefficiently in very cold weather.

The furnace can also supplement the heat pump via electric heating strips if needed, providing a boost of heat for particularly cold climates. During a defrost cycle, when the heat pump temporarily stops providing heat, the furnace seamlessly maintains indoor temperatures.

Hybrid Heating Installation Requirements

When installing a hybrid heating system, the key requirements are:

  • An existing gas or propane furnace, or the ability to install one
  • Installation of a heat pump
  • Integration of furnace and heat pump controls into a single thermostat system

With these components in place, most homeowners can upgrade to a dual fuel hybrid system without the need for significant renovation. This makes it an appealing option when replacing aging equipment.

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Hybrid Heating Pros & Cons

The benefits of a hybrid or dual fuel system include:

  • Increased efficiency from using heat pump technology. Heat pumps can provide up to 3x more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume.
  • Reduced fossil fuel usage from the gas/propane furnace. The heat pump handles most mild-to-moderate winter days.
  • Improved comfort compared to heat pumps alone. The furnace provides warmer air temperatures on cold winter days.
  • Lower heating costs compared to furnace-only systems.
  • Reduced wear on heat pump components by avoiding operation below 30-40°F.

On the other hand, the main downside is that a dual fuel system has a higher upfront cost than a single heat source system. However, homeowners can often recoup this premium in just a few years from energy savings. 

Maintenance costs of hybrid heating systems may also be slightly higher due to the system’s complexity, but not when you properly maintain your system with routine checkups. 

Prepping Your Hybrid Heating System for the Cold

As we head into the colder months, it’s critical to ensure your heating system is in top shape. 

Regular maintenance checks can diagnose and fix any potential issues, ensuring your system runs efficiently throughout the winter. For hybrid systems, this maintenance is even more crucial as the system has more components that need to be checked and serviced.

Performing preventative maintenance on your hybrid heating system this Fall helps:

  • Maintain high energy efficiency, ensuring you continue to save on heating costs.
  • Extend the lifespan of your system, maximizing your initial investment.
  • Reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns in the middle of winter.
  • Keep your system eligible for potential tax credits or rebates by ensuring it meets efficiency standards.

Fall Maintenance and Furnace Repair by Rod Miller

Fall preventative maintenance is the key to unlocking the full potential of your hybrid heating system. It’s the proactive step that ensures you continue to enjoy the comfort, efficiency, and savings that these systems offer.

So don’t delay! Schedule your fall preventative maintenance today to ensure your hybrid heating system is ready for the colder months. Secure your comfort, protect your investment, and keep those energy savings coming.

Schedule now using our contact form, or call us today at (301) 638-8208.


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